
I’m a researcher based in Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland, New Zealand.

My photographic work is held in private collections and in the permanent collection of the Museum for Sepulchral Culture, Kassel, Germany.

My artist books are available to read in libraries. Cascade is held in several New Zealand library collections (see Te Puna catalogue record). Surface Expressions is held in the Britsh Library collection and in several New Zealand library collections (see Te Puna catalogue record).

Select exhibitions

Suizid - Let’s talk about it!
A group exhibition at the Museum for Sepulchral Culture, Kassel, Germany (2021-2022), featuring Sea of Trees. The catalogue (in German only) includes an essay by me.

Read more on the Museum website, including a virtual walk-through of the exhibition: Suizid - Let’s talk about it

Above: Sea of trees in Suizid - Let’s talk about it! at Museum for Sepulchral Culture, Kassel, Germany, 2021-2022.
Photo credit: Maja Wirkus, copyright Museum für Sepulkralkultur, Kassel 

Surface Expressions
The Surface Expressions billboard project (2016-2017) was commissioned by Te Tuhi, Auckland.

Work originally created as an artist book (see Books)
Creative and technical input by Humphrey Tait

Above: Surface Experssions, Te Tuhi, Auckland 2016-2017. Photo credit: Sam Hartnett

Open Book
Open Book (2015-2016) was a travelling exhibition I organised, consisting of experimental photobooks created especially for the show.

Featuring works by: Harvey Benge, David Cook, Shelley Jacobson, Andrew Kennedy, Solomon Mortimer, Mark Purdom, Haruhiko Sameshima, Ann Shelton, Fiona Short, Anita Tótha, Tim J. Veling and Shaun Waugh 

Hosted by: RM, Auckland, The Physics Room, Christchurch, Photobook New Zealand at Massey University, Wellington, and, RAMP, Hamilton

Exhibition furniture concept, design and construction by Andrew Kennedy
Creative and technical input by Humphrey Tait

Above: Open Book, RM, Auckland, 2015


John Hurrell, “Warning Sign,” EyeContact, January 19, 2017.
Momento Pro, “NZ Photo Book of the Year Award 2015,” Australia & New Zealand Photobook Award, 2016.
Lara Wyatt, “Photo book advice from Shelley Jacobson,” D-Photo, February 18, 2016.
Peter Ireland, ““Can Do” Photography,” EyeContact, November 30, 2015.
Harvey Benge, “Shelley Jacobson - Landscape and more,” Harvey Benge, February 26, 2015.
Pictures on Paper, photobook documentary by Tangent collective, 2015.
Der Greif (Germany), Issue 8, 2015.
Christine McFetridge and Talia Smith, “The weather was ideal,” Excerpt (Australia), February 16, 2014.
Anita Tótha, “Five Women Photographers from New Zealand,” Light Journeys (Australia), September 2012.

Above: Spread from Der Greif, Issue 8, 2015. Photo credit: Der Greif


Master of Fine Arts, Massey University, Wellington, 2009
Bachelor of Design majoring in Photography, Massey University, Wellington, 2007
Diploma of Publishing, Whitireia New Zealand, 2012